Update on Ideal City Living Projects

Ideal City Living in affiliation with ZNB Builders Inc is actively working on community building. Land has been procured on different locations. When Ideal City Living offered its shares; one share was equal to 1.71 Acres of land with value $22,750 (current estimated evaluation). These shares were sold within very short time (only few left). The profit / dividends would be distributed to stakeholders from the date they become shareholders. 

Ideal City Living projects are currently in planning phase. Ideal City Living Team is planning to create different lucrative projects for the need and welfare of the community of that area where lands are located. The projects under planning are “Wellness Center(s), Wellness University and Vocational Institutes”.

In addition, Ideal City Living Team is also planning to build Senior’s Living Facilities, multifamily residential and business complex. Process of obtaining the required approvals from the relevant City authorities is currently underway. Financing lenders / institutions are showing interest to finance these projects.

The community is very welcoming and practical when there is some valuable contribution in the development. Ideal City Living Team is enjoying an excellent assembly of resources in the form of finance and potential opportunities.

Exit Policy: Shareholders can sell back the shares with notice of 30-40 days and would get potentially minimum 10 % annually growth depending on the circumstances. 




Red Rock

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