Dr Masoom Abidi has two PhDs from State University, writer of books on comparative religion and politics, has a name in promoting interfaith dialogue. 
Professor (Emeritus) Faculty of Political Science and Criminal Justice Cal-State University Fullerton.
He came with the idea that there is some scope to proceed for establishing an Ideal City Living with the cooperation of North American like-minded entities.
Ideal City Living Team started to develop and work on this idea. Within short period of time, with the Grace of Almighty, unexpected success milestones are achieved with growing benefits for the community.

Dr Abdul Hai Patel
Imam Abdul Hai Patel is founder and past Coordinator of Canadian Council of Imams, representing the Islamic religious leadership. Currently, he is Director of Inter Faith relations. He has been serving as Imam and Community Leader for 49 years in Canada.
He served as Trustee of Toronto District School Board for Scarborough, 2017-18.
He served as a Commissioner of Ontario Human Rights Commission from 1999-2005.
He is past member of National Board of Governors of Scouts Canada.
He is immediate past President of Canadian Multifaith Federation (formerly Ontario Multi Faith Council). Currently Vice President.
He is a member of Interfaith advisory Committee of Federal Gov’t’s Corrections Canada.
He is a member of the Advisory Committee of Ontario Law Commission on End of Life Care and Capacity for Decision making and Guardianship in Pallative Care.
He is a member and past Co-Chair of Muslim Consultative Committee of Toronto Police Service.
He is a Muslim Chaplain at the University of Toronto, York Regional Police. He served as visiting Chaplain at CAM-H (Centre for Addiction & Mental Health) for three years. He served for six years as Chaplain at Whitby Mental Hospital and is Chaplaincy consultant to other Hospitals and correctional facilities.
He is a member of Canadian Association of Police Chaplains.
He served as a member of Interfaith Committee and Chaplain for 2015 Pan Am & Para Pan Games in Toronto.
He is a Founder and Patron in Chief of Muslim Children Aid and Support Service.
He served as Chair of Flemingdon Community Food Bank
He is Director of Ansaar Foundation for addressing poverty & homelessness in Toronto.
He served as a member of GTA Toronto Civic Action Alliance, studying transportation needs of GTA – 2012-2014
He served as a member of the Council and adjudicator Judge for College of Nurses in Ontario from 2006 - 2015.
He is a founder and member of several Inter faith groups and active in interfaith dialogues & training. He is a regular speaker in national and international conferences.
He has served in various capacities on Boards of Hospitals, Social Services and Community Legal Clinics and International development and relief organizations.
Recipients of Governor General and Ontario Government’s awards for Community Service & Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal;
Holds a Doctorate degree from Canadian Institute of Islamic Studies.

Ambassador Sibte Yahya Naqvi has more than 40 years experience in diplomacy and administration. He has served in many countries and observed the economic development strategies in those countries. He has keen interest in community development projects. The most important area is providing housing to the community at an affordable cost base. Based on his experience and study he has some useful ideas for community housing project on self-help basis.

Rashid Husain Syed represents a unique blend of exposure to corporate culture at the highest echelons and the world of media and journalism – at the most professional levels.
For the last twenty years plus, he has also been a media man with exposure to mainstream journalism. Global organizations such as BBC has used him thousands – let me repeat thousands – of times, too analyse events in the Middle East. 
For more than a decade and a half now, he is being regularly co-opted by BBC Urdu Service analyze political developments. On a number of occasions, he has been live on BBC World and BBC TV programs. He has been on the World Today program of the BBC, a few times. Various BBC channels – BBC World TV, BBC Live 5, BBC 4, BBC3, BBC Northampton, BBC Wales, etc have used him on a number of occasions.
A number of Pakistani TV channels - including Kamran Khan's program uses him regularly to analyse events in the Middle East. 
Business journalism has been his niche, all these years. He has been analyzing and dissecting global events for mainstream newspapers. He has also been speaking worldwide on the changing dynamics of the global energy world and the downstream petrochemical industries.
1) He is a regular columnist with Globe and Mail - Canada's only national daily. Have done 20 opinion pieces for them over the year. Have also done a couple of pieces for Toronto Star.
2) He has also done a number of opinion pieces for Toronto Star. 
3) For almost a year, he kept writing a syndicated column for Troy Media.
4) He represents Pakistan daily DAWN. He also does a regular weekly energy column for DAWN.
4) He wrote a regular weekly column on energy affairs for the Saudi daily, Saudi Gazette.
5) Before that, for almost a decade, he kept writing ‘Oil Scene’ for the Saudi daily Arab News.
7) Have written a few stories for Sunday Times, London too.
8) One of his write-ups has been used as a chapter in the book 'The energy crisis' compiled by Lisa Krueger.
9) He is a regular speaker at the global energy events. He has the honour of delivering a talk at the EIA in Washington on the global energy conundrum.
10) He was also invited by the International Energy Agency to present his take on the emerging energy scenario.
11) He has been extensively quoted worldwide - with numerous media appearances.
12) He has also chaired a number of global industry conferences.
13) For a quarter of a century, he remained the Vice President of a leading Saudi trading and consulting house.

Ahmed Raza Syed is a professional engineer. He is running ArchoTech Consulting Engineering all over Canada. He has extensive experience like residential , commercial land development and zoning approval from city. His experience of same arena brought him in Ideal City Living Team.

Mujahid Hussain

Education: Master's in Engineering

Training from Japan

Worked in Thales and Alcatel-Lucent Canada

Served Nuclear Power Plants (Pickering and Bruce) Canada

Performed role in K+S Potash (near Bethune) Canada

Joined a project team in Suncor Energy Inc. (Fort McMurray) Canada

Director ZNB Builders Inc.

Director Ideal City Living Inc.

Interviewed elites of the communities

Projects in Hand
Few Seminar Topics
General Activities
GTV World Channels Network

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